When thinking of abundance the first thought that generally comes to people’s minds is money. There is so much more to abundance than just money. Abundance is about living fully on purpose in joy and happiness.

Most of the world lives in a scarcity mentality. We have a tight grip on our possessions and relationships fearing their loss. We are worried about showing too much generosity, love, compassion or kindness. Not understanding the more you share the more returns back to you.

The universe is overflowing in the abundance of energy, love, information, and wealth etc… As you embrace the abundance mentality, you will become even more abundant. It is as simple to shifting your mindset from a place of scarcity and not enough to a place of overflowing with abundance. This is a conscious daily choice.
As you make this choice regularly it becomes a way of being. You begin to give more. As your mindset becomes habitual over time you shift from lack, fear, and shame.

So…what does a state of abundance look like to you? Fulfilling relationships, 6 figure bank account, free time, and vacations. Everyone must define what abundance looks like for themselves. The more clear you are in your own definition. The more possible it is to create it in your daily life.

Here are 3 Daily Practices that Create More Abundance:

1. Morning Gratitude: Starting your day off with five things you are grateful for in your life. For example, it could be as simple as a good night sleep, healthy enough to get out of bed, or sunshine coming into your window. The more you can engage all your senses and fully feel the experience of gratitude, the more you will bring abundance into your day, week, month and year.

2. Set Intentions: Speak what you desire into existence.
Using positive and present tense statements help to make it real. The brain doesn’t know the difference between real and imagined. As you start to imagine these desires, you begin to act “as if” from an unconscious level. For example, I am so grateful and joyful now that….

3. Write Affirmations: Our thoughts are often our biggest enemies. We get in a habitual state of running the same negative thought pattern over and over in our minds. As we start writing and speaking our affirmations daily, we start releasing our self-doubt, limiting beliefs and destructive thoughts. Replacing them with positive and empowering affirmations such as, “I am a happy, beautiful and abundant spirit.”

“We will never have more of what we truly desire until we become fully thankful for what we have.”

Start living your most awakened life.

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